King Arthur
* The Land * The Life * The Legend *
Use the resources below to explore elements of Arthurian legends. Prepare a Glogster poster that presents information you find.
Visit King Arthur | Britannia (the first link below). Select one character, one aspect/element/symbol, and one place that are connected to Arthurian legends.
Delegate responsibilities to group members.
Sign up as a group for Glogster. Everyone must know the user name and password so all members are able to access the project independently.
Share contact information with group members (if you haven't already) in order to collaborate over the weekend if needed.
Begin your research and Glogster poster creation, keeping these required elements in mind:
Delegate responsibilities to group members.
Sign up as a group for Glogster. Everyone must know the user name and password so all members are able to access the project independently.
Share contact information with group members (if you haven't already) in order to collaborate over the weekend if needed.
Begin your research and Glogster poster creation, keeping these required elements in mind:
Explore the land, life, and legend of King Arthur by exploring links on this page. Topics include Arthurian characters, a timeline of Arthurian history and legend, and the legends themselves.
Another resource that breaks down the characters, symbols, and places associated with the tales of King Arthur and his impressive deeds.
An article offering one perspective on the legends of King Arthur and the driving forces behind the tales of grandeur.
Content and programming provided by PBS that gives a brief overview of who Arthur is and where the legends were born. Links to informative videos are included. (If the video won't load and you'd like to watch it, try searching for this in NetTrekker.)
After deciding on the character, element, and location you will focus on, use these sites for gathering information on those specific choices. You may want to use NetTrekker, DISCUS, or other databases available under the Research tab, above.
You will be using Glogster to create an interactive poster to present the information you find to your class. To get ideas for how Glogsters can be used or designed, click here. |